"Salman Partners has some of the best analysts around. Unlike many, those I have met have good technical knowledge through working for operating companies and visiting producing sites. Most importantly, they take a lot of trouble to get their numbers up to date and correct."

- James W. Buckee, President and CEO of Talisman Energy Inc.

"Teck (Cominco Limited) has utilized Salman Partners as an underwriter because of its independence and ability to come up with creative financing ideas."

- Norman B. Keevil, Chairman of Teck Cominco Limited

"From the concept of the issue all the way through to the sale, they never stopped working. No one could have done it better and no one could have asked for more."

- Conrad Black, Chairman and CEO of Hollinger International Inc.

"Salman Partners has brought to us a very creative financing proposal, which they worked very diligently to see through to completion."

- Henry Ketcham, President and CEO of West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.

"Quality, independent research and a strong entrepreneurial spirit give Salman Partners an edge in the Canadian investment community."

- Buyside Magazine, September 1998